Sustainable Lifestyle: Teaching Kids the Ways to Achieve It
You’ve probably heard this many times by now: children are the future. And it really is so. When you become your parent, you begin to realise the importance of these words. Creating a beautiful world for the future generations is something we should all strive for, doing whatever is in our might to accomplish it.
When you have kids, you can find the ways to teach them how to do so themselves too, through lessons on sustainability, because they’re going to lead the way one day – this is essential especially in the world of today, where the population keeps on increasing, and natural resources become depleted. Besides, you’re sure to have fun as a family!
The perfect way to start is by going organic through growing your own vegetables and herbs, even if you live in the city – you can always take up urban gardening. In the long run, this turns out to be a cost-efficient, and healthy decision, as you know what you use for planting, and what goes on your plate. If there’s no room for a garden, you can create some with the help of the specialised vegetable planter boxes for sale.
It’s crucial that you choose the adequate ones, as are the self-watering planter options (helpful with tending to the watering needs), also with enough depth for root space, and proper drainage, to optimise plant growth.
The next step would be to set the ground work of the vegetable planter boxes for sale you’d buy, in other words, preparing the soil with the addition of organic potting mix, and organic fertiliser; you can let the kids get their hands dirty (dirt equals health!), helping out with the soil preparations.
And finally, choose the veggies and herbs you love to eat, planting the amount accordingly with the number of family members. For example, a family of four would require five plants of cabbage, 20 plants of carrots, 10 plants of potatoes, and so on, so do your homework and find out the amount you need. When you plant your own, you eat healthy, and there’d be no fear over kids having weight issues.
Don’t forget to also teach your kids about recycling, why it’s important to do it, and how to do it. You can begin with recycling things in your kitchen, using them to create mulch and compost of your own, and avoid relying on toxic products for your garden.
This way they’d know how to appreciate the things they have, and use them to their advantage without creating unnecessary waste, and help keep the environment safe. You can further encourage recycling by signing up the family in volunteering projects, cleaning the neighbourhoods and local parks.
Last but not least, don’t exclude the talk about natural resources, especially the sun, and why it’s advisable to turn to solar energy for the households instead. This would give you the chance to teach them how to be prudent with the use of electricity. Now more than ever, going off-grid is easy, and affordable. Remember, it’s all about reducing the carbon footprint.
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